About Us
Welcome in the name of Christ-
The members of Zion welcome you! Your presence is a blessing to us, and we pray that your faith will be strengthened through the Good News of the gift of salvation freely given by our Heavenly Father.
Our Church is affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and with the Kansas LCMS. We hope you spend some time learning about the Lutheran Church at these sites and check out the rest of our site for news and events at Zion, and we would invite everyone to come by to worship with us.
If you have questions for Pastor Letcher or for our Church Secretary, Angie Staley, or any of Zion’s staff, please call the Church office, or connect with us via e-mail through one of the links on this page.
Board of Elders – Care Groups
A-B: Randy Mainquist
C-F: Craig Mueller
G-K: Warren Nuss
L-P: Lyle Jensen
Q-S: Terry Williams
T-Z: Brent Floerke