2020-2021 Zion Preschool Tuition (Ages 3-5)
4 -5 year olds: 3 days (Mon., Wed., & Fri.)
Morning (8:30am – 10:55am) &/or Afternoon Sessions (12:15 – 2:45pm)
3 days (Mon., Wed. & Fri.) Tuition $145/mo.
3 year olds: 2 days (Tues. & Thurs. mornings) 8:30am – 10:55am
2 Days (Tues. & Thurs.) Tuition $95/mo.
*Registration Fee: A non-refundable Registration fee of $50.00 is due upon acceptance of enrollment.
Due on Registration: The first tuition payment will consist of the first month’s tuition plus $50.00 Registration fee due upon acceptance of enrollment. The subsequent monthly tuition payments will be due on the first day of the preceding month.
Tuition is based on the school year 9/2020 through 5/2021. There will be a $15 late fee on all payments received after the 5th day of the month. A $30 fee will be charged for any returned checks.
(All checks should be made payable to Zion Lutheran Preschool)
Withdrawal/Refund Policy: Once tuition and registration are received, written notification must be sent to Zion Lutheran Preschool. If you withdraw before the 15th of the month, half of the month’s tuition will be refunded . If you withdraw after the 15th of the month, the month’s tuition is non-refundable. While attending our school, Zion must receive written notification of withdrawal two weeks in advance. Enroll Now