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Zions Youth Ministry Coordinator, Donna Williams, oversees Jr. & Sr. High Youth Christian Education and activities. In addition to Bible study and Worship, youth are involved in a number of activities and events throughout the year that include Sunday evening Flashpoint! held in members homes, service projects, Kansas District events and activities, lock-ins, National Youth Gatherings and fundraisers. In addition, youth visit the elderly and shut-ins a couples times a year with Easter Baskets, Valentines and Christmas carols and make themselves available to assist our older members with any number of miscellaneous needs such as snow shoveling, yard cleanup, tree removal & lawn mowing, etc. There are many opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship including: lock-ins, retreats, campouts, swim parties and other activities that are programmed with youth in mind. Zion’s youth have supported various ministries, including Zion Preschool, Lutheran Valley Retreat (LVR), Heartland Pregnancy Care Center and Safe Hope and paid for gatherings and servant event trips. These have been paid for through a series of fundraisers, some of which have become annual traditions. These include: Taco Sale, Pancake Feed, Easter Breakfast, God’s Creations Calendars and the Firework stand with Peace, Andover, and hosting the biannual Variety Show. Each activity and event lends itself to faith, growth and relationships and have been well attended and supported by the congregation.



SENIOR HIGH YOUTH BIBLE STUDY: 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month at 1pm. Bring your Bible and bring a friend! Contact Donna Williams if you have questions or would like to suggest a topic for discussion.